Grief and Loss: The Process Of Grief

Grief and loss is a part of many people’s daily life.  In fact, the grieving process is a result of many things, including death, loss, illness, and more.  If you are currently grieving, it is important to understand what you are going through and why.  Then, take the necessary steps to cope with your grief properly.

First, it is important to understand how you are grieving.  This process is different for everyone.  It can be influenced by your experiences, your faith, your personality, and the nature of the loss you are experiencing.  Although there is no timetable for recovery, understanding your personal grief will help you to resume to a normal life and overcome this process.

In order to begin the recovery process with grief and loss, you need to understand various myths and factors associated with grieving.  First, many people assume that the pain will go away faster if you ignore it.  This is simply not true.  In fact, sometimes it can prolong the recovery process entirely.  Another myth that many people believe is that they need to be strong during this time.  While strength is good, it is perfectly acceptable to show your emotions.  Do not be afraid to feel sad, alone, or scared.  These are normal reactions to many losses.  If you need to cry, it’s ok.  However, it is also ok if you do not cry.  You should express your emotions in a way that feels comfortable.

R Pet Urns | The five stages of griefNext, make sure that you understand the stages associated with grief and loss.  According to Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a famous psychiatrist, there are five stages of grief.  This begins with denial.  During this time, many feel that the situation is not real or should not be happening to them personally.  After denial, many display anger.  They are mad and upset about their circumstances and look for someone to blame.  After anger, it is common for many to bargain.  They hope for a specific result if they do certain things.  Once bargaining efforts finish, many move on to depression.  They feel too sad or discouraged to do anything.  At some point during this depression, they begin to accept their circumstances.  Keep in mind that you do not have to go through each stage of this process to heal.  However, these emotions are common to many who are battling grief and loss.

There are many ways that you can begin to cope with your circumstances.  First, try to find support.  You can find this from various sources including family, friends, faith, and counseling.  These options will help you to grieve with others, instead of by yourself.  Next, try to take care of yourself during this time.  Be honest about your emotional needs and make sure that you are healthy physically as well.

Finally, remember that grief and loss can be complicated.  It is ok if your efforts to cope with your situation and heal are not effective immediately.  Be patient with yourself and allow yourself the necessary time to recover.  Most importantly, remember that grief is very different from depression.  It is temporary and should get better over time.  In the event that it does not, you might consider professional help.